InfiRay Talks: What Determine “Ultra clear” of The Thermal?

As it referred to expression or evaluation of thermal imaging, the clarity and sharpness are most mentioned by people, words like crisp, clear even Ultra clear are often talked about. But do you know how or what rate the thermal imaging clarity of the thermal imager you owned now? Does it have ultra-clear image quality performance?

The factors that determine the imaging clarity of thermal products maybe are different from traditional cameras. If we know the certainties determining the imaging, we can acknowledge effectively whether the thermal products have Ultra clear thermal imaging in more scientific ways and choose the preferable one for self. Of course, there is another simple solution that is to look through InfiRay’s products. Because providing users with Ultra clear thermals is also what they put to priority. 


F aperture value of the thermal lens

The F aperture value denotes the ratio of the thermal system's focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil. The smaller the F aperture value of the thermal lens, the more thermal energy radiation can enter the thermal device through the lens. So that the thermal sensor can receive more heat power signals, and will create higher quality thermal imaging with more details and richer classifications in imaging levels. Nowadays InfiRay has already adopted F1.0 thermal lens in most thermal outdoor products.

High performance thermal sensors

As known to us, thermal sensors will convert the heat power signals from the object into thermal imaging and give feedback on the display. The consisted parts of sensors work with each other interactively that will influence the thermal imaging clarity, such as the response rate of NETD value, the lower the NETD value, the higher the response rate of sensors. The whole positive progress leads to instant capturing of minimal temperature difference emitting from or happening on the objects we want to create thermal images with best clarity.

InfiRay has top-notch thermal sensor technology. While 17μm is still the mainstream of the thermal imaging sensors, their well-developed 12μm technology has been widely used.  Moreover, they can develop and produce the detectors by themselves, which means they can respond to the customers’ demands more quickly than the competitors.


Algorithm inside of the thermal

When the thermal sensor capture heat power volume from the objects, convert it into the signature and form thermal imaging, the integrated algorithm will intensify the original thermal imaging due to the reason caused by the physical lack of thermal lens and the nonuniformity of imaging, in order to realize the visibility and feasibility of the object recognition. Besides this, it will also make compensations to the black pixels that appear in the imaging progress during the observation. So the final thermal imaging will display more contrast and completeness. The Matrix III algorithm developed by InfiRay can achieve not only the functions above, but also the detail and sharpness processing based on thermal imaging.


In the conclusion, the significant upgrade or innovation of the single parameters or features such as the lower of NETD value can’t lead to the improvement of the clarity of thermal imaging. It is the positive and effective collaboration of those key factors that result in the Ultra clear thermal imaging quality.

Know more thermal products with Ultra clear imaging quality, visit our website:


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