Test: InfiRay E6 PRO V2.0 Thermal Imager

The InfiRay 50mm E6 Pro was the top last year, after more than a year the new 12um pixel E6 Pro V2.0 was released, this excellent thermal imager finally on my testing now. The foreword is that you can really detect and identify everything from the end of the world with this thermal imaging device. many thermal goers who value this will love it. Brilliant stuff!

The InfiRay E6 Pro V2.0 thermal imagers set a standard among consumers that no one has done before. Thanks to the 640 x 512px 12µm thermal sensor and the 50mm focal length lens, in addition to getting an open-field camera - also with a pleasant magnification and viewing angle – and the manufacturer also gives us an ultra-far detection distance, all these key factors make InfiRay the market leader in the thermal field.

For example, human figures can be detected from a distance of almost 2.6 km, which means that a wild boar is seen by the camera from a minimum distance of the same distance, and a red deer from several kilometers, that's what the 12-micron pixel size does, and of course, the high sensitivity sensor, the thermal sensitivity (NETD) is otherwise left at 50mK, which is very good.

Exterior and handling

Looking at the look of the camera, the camera was given completely non-slip rubberization. It’s more like a coating on the thermal Imager, so over time, I think it will wear out. I had hunted out recently with the thermal monocular offered by Leitz(the dealer of InfiRay Outdoor in Hungary, The operation design of the device is familiar and ergonomic, three bright buttons control the thermal imager, the user interface is clear and easy for options. The built-in remote stadiametric rangefinder can estimate the rough distance between you and your preys via the estimated heights of targets. What's new in the software is there has a plug-in digital compass and motion sensor.

High image quality

The vegetation is slightly less detailed than last year’s models, but this makes the wild stand out more from its surroundings. The most serious change can be seen in the Black hot thermal image mode, which shows that the new InfiRay thermals could turn white and have a very noticeable black heat source. Needless to say, the image quality is still brilliant. InfiRay has always been good at this, I’ve mentioned in several tests that these new thermal imagers give sharp images than the last year’s models, but for automatic environmental compensation, their images don’t fall apart into star-shaped pixels when digitally magnified. This is also new to Infiray Fans global that they really show differences between low- and high-resolution models in terms of viewing angle and digital zoom quality.

In addition, it comes with a large HD display, 3x base magnification, and a very friendly 8.8-degree field of view, which is nowhere near as narrow as those low-resolution thermal monoculars that are focusing more on large open terrain. The 8.8 ° FOV nevertheless has advanced the InfiRay E6 Pro V2.0 to be unbeatable thermal monocular with the narrowest viewing angle and highest magnification 640px thermal detector on the consumer market. It was the first high-definition thermal imager to date in my “Recommended for Outdoors” category.

This article was excerpted from Márk Korecz's blog: https://www.vadasz-blog.hu/2020/09/28/teszt-infiray-e6-pro-v2-0-hokamera-a-tavolsagbajnok/ and has finished second edditing


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