InfiRay Talks: What Determine “Ultra clear” of The Thermal?

As it referred to expression or evaluation of thermal imaging, the clarity and sharpness are most mentioned by people, words like crisp, clear even Ultra clear are often talked about. But do you know how or what rate the thermal imaging clarity of the thermal imager you owned now? Does it have ultra-clear image quality performance? The factors that determine the imaging clarity of thermal products maybe are different from traditional cameras. If we know the certainties determining the imaging, we can acknowledge effectively whether the thermal products have Ultra clear thermal imaging in more scientific ways and choose the preferable one for self. Of course, there is another simple solution that is to look through InfiRay’s products. Because providing users with Ultra clear thermals is also what they put to priority. F aperture value of the thermal lens The F aperture value denotes the ratio of the thermal system's focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil. The sma...